I'm a Freelance Music Producer/Composer for EDM and Video Game Music, If you wish to hire me for any project I will be willing to aid in the best I can. More information on that soon!
Stick around long enough, get good with the audio community, and eventually you'll get confused when your stuff isn't always front paged the next day. Show up on the ng audio discord, there's always interesting conversation going on in there! I'm actually kind of lost sometimes, their conversations get very technical but my production strategy has always been "LEAD SYNTH PATCH GO BRRRT."
Audio nerds with varying degrees of ASD and ADHD up in that discord channel, I'm sure they'd all love to have you Roar :3
Stick around long enough, get good with the audio community, and eventually you'll get confused when your stuff isn't always front paged the next day. Show up on the ng audio discord, there's always interesting conversation going on in there! I'm actually kind of lost sometimes, their conversations get very technical but my production strategy has always been "LEAD SYNTH PATCH GO BRRRT."
Audio nerds with varying degrees of ASD and ADHD up in that discord channel, I'm sure they'd all love to have you Roar :3